For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001078611.1 NP_197598.2 100 812 832223 At5g20980
NP_001078611.1 NP_001078611.1 100 812 832223 At5g20980
NP_001078611.1 NP_001078599.1 80.68 761 831660 At5g17920
NP_001078611.1 NP_197294.1 80.68 761 831660 At5g17920
NP_001078611.1 NP_001118564.1 79.97 764 821147 At3g03780
NP_001078611.1 NP_850507.1 79.97 764 821147 At3g03780
NP_001078611.1 NP_187028.1 79.97 764 821147 At3g03780

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