For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001154385.1 NP_001154385.1 100 200 839876 At1g29970
NP_001154385.1 NP_564343.1 79 200 839876 At1g29970
NP_001154385.1 NP_001077626.1 76.80 181 839876 At1g29970
NP_001154385.1 NP_564013.1 35.11 188 838278 At1g17080
NP_001154385.1 NP_564634.1 36.22 127 841791 At1g53560
NP_001154385.1 NP_566490.1 29.05 179 820686 At3g14595

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