For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001154490.1 NP_001154490.1 100 198 814892 At2g03630
NP_001154490.1 NP_001318192.1 100 197 814892 At2g03630
NP_001154490.1 NP_177562.1 49.47 95 843762 At1g74220
NP_001154490.1 NP_198736.1 45.71 70 833915 At5g39200
NP_001154490.1 NP_001319355.1 34.07 91 843259 At1g69280
NP_001154490.1 NP_177088.2 34.07 91 843259 At1g69280
NP_001154490.1 NP_001320675.1 34.07 91 843259 At1g69280

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