For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001185046.1 NP_001185046.1 100 263 838656 At1g20680
NP_001185046.1 NP_001319053.1 99.58 237 838656 At1g20680
NP_001185046.1 NP_001322474.1 44.19 267 838664 At1g20740
NP_001185046.1 NP_173496.2 41.09 275 838663 At1g20730
NP_001185046.1 NP_173497.1 41.49 241 838664 At1g20740
NP_001185046.1 NP_568038.1 28.99 276 829983 At4g38260
NP_001185046.1 NP_001117319.1 46.77 62 6240377 At1g20405

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