For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001190653.1 NP_001190653.1 100 1042 827922 At4g01800
NP_001190653.1 NP_001328302.1 95.00 1059 827922 At4g01800
NP_001190653.1 NP_192089.1 94.99 1058 827922 At4g01800
NP_001190653.1 NP_173584.5 40.35 1031 838767 At1g21650
NP_001190653.1 NP_001185059.1 43.79 854 838767 At1g21650
NP_001190653.1 NP_001185058.1 44.19 826 838767 At1g21650

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