For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001318540.1 NP_001318540.1 100 711 831018 At5g11470
NP_001318540.1 NP_001331207.1 100 650 831018 At5g11470
NP_001318540.1 NP_001189902.1 34.10 173 820802 At3g15605
NP_001318540.1 NP_001118639.1 39.17 120 820802 At3g15605
NP_001318540.1 NP_001118640.1 39.17 120 820802 At3g15605
NP_001318540.1 NP_188181.2 38.52 122 820802 At3g15605

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