For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001319243.1 NP_001319243.1 100 241 28717363 At1g55800
NP_001319243.1 NP_564700.3 71.88 128 842028 At1g55790
NP_001319243.1 NP_001190847.2 41.76 91 10723141 At4g26485
NP_001319243.1 NP_200417.2 46.15 78 835704 At5g56060
NP_001319243.1 NP_197885.1 35.48 93 832573 At5g25030
NP_001319243.1 NP_680442.1 39.53 86 835706 At5g56075
NP_001319243.1 NP_001324777.1 39.71 68 28718246 AT2G11045

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