For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001319835.1 NP_001319835.1 100 171 7922364 At4g00872
NP_001319835.1 NP_001154430.1 64.74 173 842062 At1g56100
NP_001319835.1 NP_176006.1 63.33 90 842062 At1g56100
NP_001319835.1 NP_187894.2 36.36 154 820471 At3g12880
NP_001319835.1 NP_001154431.1 59 100 842062 At1g56100
NP_001319835.1 NP_567474.1 33.53 170 827253 At4g15750

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