For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001320841.1 NP_001320841.1 100 1472 840337 At1g34355
NP_001320841.1 NP_564445.1 99.66 1477 840337 At1g34355
NP_001320841.1 NP_001320842.1 99.48 1151 840337 At1g34355
NP_001320841.1 NP_180958.1 77.22 79 817972 At2g34110
NP_001320841.1 NP_198700.2 35.09 114 833875 At5g38840
NP_001320841.1 NP_199590.1 41.56 77 834830 At5g47790

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