For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001322747.1 NP_001322745.1 100 700 838645 At1g20570
NP_001322747.1 NP_564117.2 100 700 838645 At1g20570
NP_001322747.1 NP_001322747.1 100 700 838645 At1g20570
NP_001322747.1 NP_001322746.1 99.43 702 838645 At1g20570
NP_001322747.1 NP_565235.3 79.07 707 844366 At1g80260
NP_001322747.1 NP_001320296.1 79.07 707 844366 At1g80260
NP_001322747.1 NP_001320295.1 79.07 707 844366 At1g80260

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