For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001323986.1 NP_001323986.1 100 301 816364 At2g18490
NP_001323986.1 NP_179439.1 100 251 816364 At2g18490
NP_001323986.1 NP_179176.1 65.68 303 816068 At2g15740
NP_001323986.1 NP_199078.1 62.50 280 834272 At5g42640
NP_001323986.1 NP_197690.1 50.50 301 832363 At5g22990
NP_001323986.1 NP_194333.1 36.54 208 828709 At4g26030

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