For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001330657.1 NP_001330657.1 100 631 830365 At5g04860
NP_001330657.1 NP_196106.1 100 631 830365 At5g04860
NP_001330657.1 NP_178850.1 91.01 278 815517 At2g10560
NP_001330657.1 NP_187782.1 47.37 608 820349 At3g11760
NP_001330657.1 NP_001325254.1 39.80 407 817084 At2g25460
NP_001330657.1 NP_565596.1 38.98 254 817084 At2g25460

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