For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_001330831.1 NP_001330831.1 100 532 834124 At5g41220
NP_001330831.1 NP_198938.1 100 524 834124 At5g41220
NP_001330831.1 NP_001330832.1 100 524 834124 At5g41220
NP_001330831.1 NP_198940.3 83.05 531 834125 At5g41240
NP_001330831.1 NP_198937.1 85.79 183 834123 At5g41210
NP_001330831.1 NP_190352.1 35.03 334 823922 At3g47680
NP_001330831.1 NP_683473.2 26.61 218 842939 At1g66235

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