For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_173788.1 NP_173788.1 100 622 838987 At1g23760
NP_173788.1 NP_001185361.1 79.59 627 843373 At1g70370
NP_173788.1 NP_177194.1 79.59 627 843373 At1g70370
NP_173788.1 NP_176242.1 64.78 619 842334 At1g60390
NP_173788.1 NP_197943.1 32.81 192 832636 At5g25610
NP_173788.1 NP_175357.1 28.51 228 841355 At1g49320

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