For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_177912.2 NP_001323211.1 100 460 844125 At1g77890
NP_177912.2 NP_177912.2 100 460 844125 At1g77890
NP_177912.2 NP_001185423.1 99.57 460 844125 At1g77890
NP_177912.2 NP_001117614.1 97.61 460 844125 At1g77890
NP_177912.2 NP_001323212.1 100 376 844125 At1g77890
NP_177912.2 NP_192594.2 49.22 449 826413 At4g08540

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