For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_180725.1 NP_180725.1 100 263 817723 At2g31670
NP_180725.1 NP_175547.1 64.81 216 841560 At1g51360
NP_180725.1 NP_180809.2 21.52 223 817811 At2g32500
NP_180725.1 NP_001318337.1 27.12 118 817811 At2g32500
NP_180725.1 NP_001319574.1 29.70 101 820980 At3g17210
NP_180725.1 NP_566569.1 29.70 101 820980 At3g17210

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