For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_187715.2 NP_187715.2 100 738 820275 At3g11040
NP_187715.2 NP_001327589.1 97.02 738 820275 At3g11040
NP_187715.2 NP_001319520.1 96.86 701 820275 At3g11040
NP_187715.2 NP_196165.3 71.55 682 830429 At5g05460
NP_187715.2 NP_001319810.1 61.79 390 825272 At3g61010
NP_187715.2 NP_191660.3 61.79 390 825272 At3g61010
NP_187715.2 NP_001319811.1 69.03 268 825272 At3g61010

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