For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_188573.1 NP_188573.1 100 611 821476 At3g19420
NP_188573.1 NP_566929.1 58.87 564 824173 At3g50110
NP_188573.1 NP_198756.2 42.25 187 833936 At5g39400
NP_188573.1 NP_001331228.1 27.01 137 3770686 At5g07740
NP_188573.1 NP_196391.2 27.01 137 3770686 At5g07740
NP_188573.1 NP_001331227.1 27.01 137 3770686 At5g07740

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