For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_192575.3 NP_192575.3 100 1041 826391 At4g08350
NP_192575.3 NP_001324132.1 67.22 1016 817982 At2g34210
NP_192575.3 NP_180968.2 66.05 1028 817982 At2g34210
NP_192575.3 NP_196049.1 37.60 359 830308 At5g04290
NP_192575.3 NP_001332032.1 37.60 359 830308 At5g04290
NP_192575.3 NP_192576.1 74.77 111 826392 At4g08360

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