For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_193416.1 NP_193416.1 100 355 827389 At4g16830
NP_193416.1 NP_001078400.1 89.97 339 827389 At4g16830
NP_193416.1 NP_001078399.1 100 215 827389 At4g16830
NP_193416.1 NP_193485.1 49.48 384 827467 At4g17520
NP_193416.1 NP_199532.1 53.07 375 834767 At5g47210
NP_193416.1 NP_001078724.1 51.74 317 834767 At5g47210
NP_193416.1 NP_001078723.1 47.33 262 834767 At5g47210

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