For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_199367.1 NP_199367.1 100 803 834590 At5g45540
NP_199367.1 NP_199361.1 54.10 891 834584 At5g45480
NP_199367.1 NP_199366.1 50.67 821 834589 At5g45530
NP_199367.1 NP_199360.1 45.88 885 834583 At5g45470
NP_199367.1 NP_199359.3 43.22 664 834582 At5g45460
NP_199367.1 NP_193644.1 40.62 746 827647 At4g19090
NP_199367.1 NP_193643.2 50.91 328 827646 At4g19080

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