For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_199707.2 NP_199707.2 100 642 834954 At5g48960
NP_199707.2 NP_001320404.1 31.76 507 843858 At1g75210
NP_199707.2 NP_001320403.1 31.76 507 843858 At1g75210
NP_199707.2 NP_177657.2 31.76 507 843858 At1g75210
NP_199707.2 NP_001324878.1 30.28 469 816921 At2g23890
NP_199707.2 NP_179967.3 30.28 469 816921 At2g23890
NP_199707.2 NP_001324879.1 29.15 494 816921 At2g23890

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