For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_200041.1 NP_200041.1 100 853 835304 At5g52280
NP_200041.1 NP_176519.1 34.59 957 842636 At1g63300
NP_200041.1 NP_001190446.1 37.25 835 834116 At5g41140
NP_200041.1 NP_198930.1 37.25 835 834116 At5g41140
NP_200041.1 NP_173625.1 25.71 743 838811 At1g22060
NP_200041.1 NP_001323297.1 25.71 743 838811 At1g22060

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