For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_200949.1 NP_851240.1 100 281 836262 At5g61410
NP_200949.1 NP_200949.1 100 281 836262 At5g61410
NP_200949.1 NP_850495.1 39.63 217 821068 At3g01850
NP_200949.1 NP_566153.1 39.63 217 821068 At3g01850
NP_200949.1 NP_176518.1 40.55 217 842635 At1g63290
NP_200949.1 NP_001326139.1 39.78 186 821068 At3g01850
NP_200949.1 NP_001326138.1 39.78 186 821068 At3g01850

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