For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_564674.1 NP_564674.1 100 849 841947 At1g55040
NP_564674.1 NP_564993.1 36.81 326 843402 At1g70650
NP_564674.1 NP_001185364.1 36.81 326 843402 At1g70650
NP_564674.1 NP_175290.1 34.12 340 841278 At1g48570
NP_564674.1 NP_197281.1 33.54 316 831647 At5g17790
NP_564674.1 NP_564632.1 28.89 135 841781 At1g53460

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