For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_565388.1 NP_565388.1 100 230 816144 At2g16460
NP_565388.1 NP_973473.1 98.83 171 816144 At2g16460
NP_565388.1 NP_566943.1 67.90 243 824273 At3g51090
NP_565388.1 NP_001327223.1 63.73 204 824273 At3g51090
NP_565388.1 NP_181054.2 31.47 197 818075 At2g35090
NP_565388.1 NP_001325300.1 29.55 176 818072 At2g35070
NP_565388.1 NP_565795.1 29.55 176 818072 At2g35070

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