For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_565569.1 NP_850053.1 100 440 816978 At2g24420
NP_565569.1 NP_565569.1 100 440 816978 At2g24420
NP_565569.1 NP_567873.1 72.83 427 829261 At4g31340
NP_565569.1 NP_001031760.1 73.32 401 829261 At4g31340
NP_565569.1 NP_194738.4 25.94 401 829132 At4g30090
NP_565569.1 NP_001319099.1 28.43 102 839739 At1g28410
NP_565569.1 NP_174163.2 28.43 102 839739 At1g28410

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