For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_566673.1 NP_566673.1 100 283 821647 At3g20970
NP_566673.1 NP_001030735.1 100 222 821647 At3g20970
NP_566673.1 NP_175550.2 73.67 281 841563 At1g51390
NP_566673.1 NP_001078739.1 38.18 110 835057 At5g49940
NP_566673.1 NP_568715.1 38.18 110 835057 At5g49940
NP_566673.1 NP_567735.1 43.28 67 828697 At4g25910
NP_566673.1 NP_567219.1 37.50 80 828196 At4g01940

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