For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_973976.1 NP_973976.1 100 555 841090 At1g45207
NP_973976.1 NP_001320478.1 98.92 555 841090 At1g45207
NP_973976.1 NP_568012.1 35.62 393 829851 At4g36970
NP_973976.1 NP_175789.2 25.33 229 841823 At1g53860
NP_973976.1 NP_001321281.1 25.76 229 841823 At1g53860
NP_973976.1 NP_174322.1 34.34 99 839912 At1g30320

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