For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_974736.1 NP_974736.1 100 527 830458 At5g05740
NP_974736.1 NP_001190232.1 99.43 527 830458 At5g05740
NP_974736.1 NP_196193.1 94.78 556 830458 At5g05740
NP_974736.1 NP_198372.1 30.53 393 833476 At5g35220
NP_974736.1 NP_173229.1 25.24 424 838366 At1g17870
NP_974736.1 NP_001318674.1 39.32 117 833475 At5g35210

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