For ath data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
NP_974927.1 NP_974927.1 100 761 835317 At5g52410
NP_974927.1 NP_001332691.1 98.82 761 835317 At5g52410
NP_974927.1 NP_200054.2 100 510 835317 At5g52410
NP_974927.1 NP_001330451.1 57.46 543 832454 At5g23890
NP_974927.1 NP_197777.1 57.46 543 832454 At5g23890
NP_974927.1 NP_566775.2 32.20 382 822156 At3g25680

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