For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_004236152.1 XP_004236152.1 100 385 101259523
XP_004236152.1 XP_004232256.1 46.87 367 101264581
XP_004236152.1 XP_010316269.1 45.78 367 101264581
XP_004236152.1 XP_010316270.1 46.22 344 101264581
XP_004236152.1 XP_004228901.1 48.57 70 101259362
XP_004236152.1 XP_019069375.1 48.57 70 101259362
XP_004236152.1 XP_004251087.1 49.25 67 101244053
XP_004236152.1 XP_004241343.1 47.14 70 101258866
XP_004236152.1 XP_004238619.1 40.43 94 101248386
XP_004236152.1 XP_019069264.1 40.43 94 101248386
XP_004236152.1 XP_025887473.1 43.21 81 101258866
XP_004236152.1 XP_004242116.1 37.14 70 101265247

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