For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_004236257.1 XP_004236257.1 100 699 101266014
XP_004236257.1 NP_001234329.2 34.26 721 543871
XP_004236257.1 XP_004253331.2 30.84 694 101268463
XP_004236257.1 XP_004229896.2 31.49 686 101251223
XP_004236257.1 XP_004230384.1 33.29 724 101246763
XP_004236257.1 XP_025884792.1 50 132 101264470
XP_004236257.1 XP_025887789.1 25.16 465 101258675
XP_004236257.1 XP_019070517.1 25.16 465 101258675
XP_004236257.1 XP_010313535.1 26.19 294 101266390
XP_004236257.1 XP_004251452.1 26.76 299 101266390
XP_004236257.1 XP_019069310.1 34.22 225 101252395
XP_004236257.1 XP_004239582.1 34.22 225 101252395
XP_004236257.1 XP_004230232.1 24.22 417 101251928
XP_004236257.1 NP_001234271.2 24.28 346 543603
XP_004236257.1 NP_001361434.1 28.81 295 543571
XP_004236257.1 XP_004241641.1 27.44 215 101246440
XP_004236257.1 XP_019069949.1 27.68 224 101253296

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