For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_004239682.1 XP_010321330.1 100 513 101255995
XP_004239682.1 XP_019069428.1 100 513 101255995
XP_004239682.1 XP_004239682.1 100 513 101255995
XP_004239682.1 NP_001311285.1 83.96 536 101263757
XP_004239682.1 XP_004230313.1 46.81 408 101250547
XP_004239682.1 NP_001311443.1 30.73 218 101261054
XP_004239682.1 XP_025887618.1 30 150 101243803

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