For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_004240844.1 XP_004240844.1 100 534 101248110
XP_004240844.1 XP_004249034.1 65.91 531 101262266
XP_004240844.1 XP_004252401.1 52.24 513 101261395
XP_004240844.1 XP_004235555.1 52.17 508 101254465
XP_004240844.1 XP_004248817.1 49.60 506 101250349
XP_004240844.1 XP_004249516.1 22.08 308 101255748
XP_004240844.1 XP_004246733.1 24.12 228 101268714

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