For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_004241354.1 XP_004241354.1 100 433 101261718
XP_004241354.1 XP_010312347.1 43.09 492 104644397
XP_004241354.1 XP_004228872.3 41.46 492 101249293
XP_004241354.1 XP_004251227.1 39.17 217 101262990
XP_004241354.1 XP_025888642.1 34.69 147 101261745
XP_004241354.1 XP_004240642.1 33.58 134 101268871
XP_004241354.1 XP_010322261.1 27.46 193 104647982
XP_004241354.1 XP_004242528.1 30.97 155 101259261
XP_004241354.1 XP_004242110.1 29.32 133 101263422
XP_004241354.1 XP_004230162.1 47.37 57 101256329
XP_004241354.1 XP_019071453.1 33.90 118 104649597
XP_004241354.1 XP_004238512.2 35.94 64 101261025

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