For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_004249416.1 XP_004249416.1 100 890 101251343
XP_004249416.1 XP_010312219.1 99.89 891 101251343
XP_004249416.1 XP_004231445.1 46.44 379 101252128
XP_004249416.1 XP_004234462.2 57.58 99 101246898
XP_004249416.1 XP_010325009.1 38.24 136 101268302
XP_004249416.1 XP_019070966.1 38.52 135 101268302
XP_004249416.1 NP_001234047.2 23.63 182 543547
XP_004249416.1 XP_010312734.1 37.50 56 101249698
XP_004249416.1 XP_010312733.1 37.50 56 101249698
XP_004249416.1 XP_004250243.1 37.50 56 101249698

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