For bra data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_009118795.1 XP_009118795.1 100 203 103843775
XP_009118795.1 XP_009119676.1 79.23 207 103844629
XP_009118795.1 XP_009151253.1 51.58 95 103874584
XP_009118795.1 XP_009129825.1 54.44 90 103854627
XP_009118795.1 XP_009129823.1 54.44 90 103854627
XP_009118795.1 XP_009129824.1 54.44 90 103854627
XP_009118795.1 XP_009111895.1 52.75 91 103837299
XP_009118795.1 XP_009111894.1 51.65 91 103837299
XP_009118795.1 XP_009129826.1 60.27 73 103854627
XP_009118795.1 XP_009129822.1 60.27 73 103854627
XP_009118795.1 XP_009129820.1 60.27 73 103854627

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