For bra data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_009129352.1 XP_009129352.1 100 799 103854179
XP_009129352.1 XP_009114155.1 29.50 139 103839405
XP_009129352.1 XP_009120290.1 28.93 159 103845209
XP_009129352.1 XP_009126815.1 28.75 160 103851688
XP_009129352.1 XP_009139970.1 25.90 166 103863957
XP_009129352.1 XP_009112273.1 28.67 150 103837667
XP_009129352.1 XP_009135038.1 29.79 188 103859277
XP_009129352.1 XP_009122763.1 31.88 138 103847435
XP_009129352.1 XP_009121859.1 25.23 111 103846648
XP_009129352.1 XP_009112234.1 32.74 113 103837632
XP_009129352.1 XP_009109291.1 30.34 89 103834953
XP_009129352.1 XP_009148027.1 30.71 140 103871523
XP_009129352.1 XP_009101799.1 30.34 89 103827950
XP_009129352.1 XP_009101875.1 30.34 89 103827950

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