For bra data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_009132153.1 XP_009132153.1 100 193 103856775
XP_009132153.1 XP_009120222.1 83.33 198 103845141
XP_009132153.1 XP_009117831.1 30.89 123 103842901
XP_009132153.1 XP_009128447.1 28.69 122 103853278
XP_009132153.1 XP_009148927.1 29.60 125 103872329
XP_009132153.1 XP_009110487.1 30.40 125 103836030
XP_009132153.1 XP_009103687.1 28.47 137 103829741

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