For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_010317393.1 XP_010317392.1 100 359 101254165
XP_010317393.1 XP_010317393.1 100 359 101254165
XP_010317393.1 XP_004234012.1 100 359 101254165
XP_010317393.1 XP_010315395.1 46.38 138 101247077
XP_010317393.1 XP_004231063.1 45.93 135 101247077
XP_010317393.1 XP_025884675.1 45.93 135 101247077
XP_010317393.1 XP_004237376.1 45.65 138 101253374
XP_010317393.1 XP_025886279.1 50.51 99 112941309
XP_010317393.1 XP_025886278.1 48.48 99 112941308
XP_010317393.1 XP_004229699.1 36.19 105 101268800
XP_010317393.1 XP_010323903.1 25.24 103 101261135
XP_010317393.1 XP_004243576.1 25.24 103 101261135

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