For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_010319368.1 XP_010319368.1 100 408 101252977
XP_010319368.1 XP_004236890.1 99.27 411 101252977
XP_010319368.1 XP_004244808.1 96.08 408 101268205
XP_010319368.1 XP_004241456.1 43.32 337 101266731
XP_010319368.1 XP_019069989.1 43.32 337 101266731
XP_010319368.1 XP_004235365.1 42.69 335 101248181
XP_010319368.1 XP_025886954.1 42.46 325 101254693
XP_010319368.1 XP_010321111.1 42.46 325 101254693
XP_010319368.1 XP_004228950.1 37.62 319 101254327
XP_010319368.1 XP_025885925.1 38.26 298 101254327
XP_010319368.1 NP_001234672.1 24.78 226 544220
XP_010319368.1 NP_001332799.1 25.20 254 101251053

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