For mtr data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_013459995.2 XP_013459995.2 100 385 25489102 MTR_3g058410
XP_013459995.2 XP_003617787.3 71.11 315 11436677 MTR_5g095470
XP_013459995.2 XP_013444690.2 68.16 267 25500751 MTR_8g028040
XP_013459995.2 XP_003612319.1 53.31 257 11409367 MTR_5g023760
XP_013459995.2 XP_013453581.1 53.73 255 11409367 MTR_5g023760

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