For ppo data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_024449613.1 XP_024449613.1 100 511 7479279 POPTR_001G096100v3
XP_024449613.1 XP_002299499.3 100 478 7479279 POPTR_001G096100v3
XP_024449613.1 XP_002303620.1 88.49 478 7458219 POPTR_003G135300v3
XP_024449613.1 XP_024441546.1 72.86 468 7494130 POPTR_014G093700v3
XP_024449613.1 XP_024450053.1 72.49 469 7457376 POPTR_002G166700v3
XP_024449613.1 XP_024450054.1 71.73 474 7457376 POPTR_002G166700v3
XP_024449613.1 XP_024441547.1 73.46 456 7494130 POPTR_014G093700v3

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