For sly data
Query Name RefSeq ID Identity Match Length Pfam Entrez Gene ID* Other ID
XP_025888659.1 XP_025888659.1 100 988 101249681
XP_025888659.1 XP_025888657.1 99.60 992 101249681
XP_025888659.1 XP_004250744.1 35.11 1011 101250362
XP_025888659.1 XP_010313082.1 35.08 1012 101250362
XP_025888659.1 XP_004236620.1 35.44 1030 101246912
XP_025888659.1 XP_010319192.1 35.30 1034 101246912
XP_025888659.1 XP_010319191.1 35.30 1034 101246912
XP_025888659.1 XP_010319193.1 34.89 1029 101246912
XP_025888659.1 XP_004229640.1 34.64 1042 101249679
XP_025888659.1 XP_010319194.1 32.23 940 101246912
XP_025888659.1 XP_010313084.1 31.42 904 101250362
XP_025888659.1 XP_025887124.1 29.94 855 101249679
XP_025888659.1 XP_025887125.1 29.80 849 101249679
XP_025888659.1 XP_025887129.1 29.67 846 101249679

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