GO:0000792 heterochromatin

16 ath genes in this database.


term: heterochromatin
goid: GO:0000792

Shaded genes do not have GeneChip data. The output was limited up to 100 for each of species.
Species Symbol Supportability of
expression data
Full name* Entrez Gene ID Evidence*
ath DRD1 ☆☆ SNF2 domain-containing protein / helicase domain-containing protein 816136
ath SUVH2 SU(VAR)3-9 homolog 2 817892
ath NRPD2A ☆☆☆ nuclear RNA polymerase D2A 821960
ath MBD5 methyl-CPG-binding domain protein 5 823811
ath ORTHL ☆☆ ORTHRUS-like protein 826420
ath TFL2 ☆☆ like heterochromatin protein (LHP1) 831635
ath HTA12 histone H2A 12 831891 IDA
ath HTA7 ☆☆☆ histone H2A 7 832829 IDA
ath VIM3 ☆☆☆ Zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein 833951
ath MBD6 methyl-CPG-binding domain 6 836057
ath HTA6 ☆☆☆ histone H2A 6 836109 IDA
ath AT1G09320 agenet domain-containing protein 837453 IDA
ath VIM5 zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein 842155
ath VIM1 ☆☆☆ Zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein 842157
ath VIM4 Zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein 842917
ath VIM2 Zinc finger (C3HC4-type RING finger) family protein 842919

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