GO:0004089 carbonate dehydratase activity

15 ath genes in this database.


term: carbonate dehydratase activity
goid: GO:0004089

Shaded genes do not have GeneChip data. The output was limited up to 100 for each of species.
Species Symbol Supportability of
expression data
Full name* Entrez Gene ID Evidence*
ath CA1 ☆☆☆ carbonic anhydrase 1 821134 IMP
ath ACA1 alpha carbonic anhydrase 1 824438 IDA
ath ACA6 alpha carbonic anhydrase 6 827847 IEA
ath BCA5 ☆☆ beta carbonic anhydrase 5 829498 IEA
ath ACA3 alpha carbonic anhydrase 3 830296 IEA
ath CA2 ☆☆☆ carbonic anhydrase 2 831326 IEA
ath ACA8 alpha carbonic anhydrase 8 835733 IEA
ath GAMMA CAL1 ☆☆☆ gamma carbonic anhydrase like 1 836470 ISS
ath GAMMA CA3 ☆☆☆ gamma carbonic anhydrase 3 836783 ISS
ath ACA7 alpha carbonic anhydrase 7 837326 IEA
ath GAMMA CA1 gamma carbonic anhydrase 1 838545 ISS
ath BCA3 beta carbonic anhydrase 3 838983 IEA
ath GAMMA CA2 ☆☆☆ gamma carbonic anhydrase 2 841129 IDA,ISS
ath BCA6 ☆☆☆ beta carbonic anhydrase 6 842185 IEA
ath BCA4 beta carbonic anhydrase 4 843377 IMP

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