GO:0008081 phosphoric diester hydrolase activity

53 ath genes in this database.


term: phosphoric diester hydrolase activity
goid: GO:0008081

Shaded genes do not have GeneChip data. The output was limited up to 100 for each of species.
Species Symbol Supportability of
expression data
Full name* Entrez Gene ID Evidence*
ath AT2G40116 Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C family protein 818602
ath ARP apurinic endonuclease-redox protein 818744
ath PLDBETA1 ☆☆ phospholipase D beta 1 818802
ath PLDP2 ☆☆☆ phospholipase D P2 819730
ath PLC2 phospholipase C 2 819999
ath PLDALPHA1 ☆☆☆ phospholipase D alpha 1 820816
ath PLDP1 ☆☆☆ phospholipase D P1 820932
ath SRG3 ☆☆☆ senescence-related gene 3 821175
ath NPC5 non-specific phospholipase C5 821241
ath NPC4 ☆☆ non-specific phospholipase C4 821243
ath NPC3 non-specific phospholipase C3 821244
ath AT3G19310 ☆☆☆ PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 821465 IEA
ath SVL3 ☆☆ SHV3-like 3 821598
ath PLC9 phosphatidylinositol-speciwc phospholipase C9 823875
ath PLC8 phosphatidylinositol-speciwc phospholipase C8 823882
ath AT3G48425 DNAse I-like superfamily protein 824001
ath AT3G55940 Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C family protein 824760
ath PLDBETA2 phospholipase D beta 2 826673
ath PLDGAMMA2 phospholipase D gamma 2 826789
ath PLDGAMMA3 phospholipase D gamma 3 826790
ath PLDGAMMA1 ☆☆☆ phospholipase D gamma 1 826791
ath AT4G18930 RNA ligase/cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase family protein 827628
ath AT4G18940 RNA ligase/cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase family protein 827629
ath SHV3 ☆☆☆ PLC-like phosphodiesterase family protein 828776
ath AT4G34920 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 829644 IEA
ath AT4G34930 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 829645 IEA
ath PLDDELTA phospholipase D delta 829733
ath AT4G36050 endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family protein 829761
ath PLC1 ☆☆ phospholipase C1 830010
ath AT4G38690 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 830025 IEA
ath AT5G07400 ☆☆☆ forkhead-associated domain-containing protein / FHA domain-containing protein 830631
ath GDPD6 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 830697
ath TDP1 tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase-like protein 831369
ath PLDALPHA3 phospholipase D alpha 3 832609
ath GDPD2 ☆☆☆ PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 834110
ath GDPD3 ☆☆ PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 834348
ath SVL1 ☆☆ SHV3-like 1 835641
ath SVL4 ☆☆☆ SHV3-like 4 835917
ath SVL5 ☆☆☆ SHV3-like 5 835929
ath PLC1 phospholipase C1 835981
ath PLC5 ☆☆ phosphatidylinositol-speciwc phospholipase C5 835983
ath PLC4 phosphatidylinositol-speciwc phospholipase C4 835984
ath AT5G67130 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 836848 IEA
ath RNL ☆☆ RNAligase 837306
ath AT1G11800 endonuclease/exonuclease/phosphatase family protein 837726
ath AT1G13680 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 837929 IEA
ath AT1G48360 zinc ion binding/nucleic acid binding/hydrolase 841256
ath AT1G49740 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 841397 IEA
ath PLDALPHA2 phospholipase D alpha 2 841689
ath PLDEPSILON ☆☆☆ phospholipase D alpha 4 841961
ath SVL2 ☆☆ SHV3-like 2 843015
ath SNC4 suppressor of npr1-1 constitutive 4 843016
ath GDPD5 PLC-like phosphodiesterases superfamily protein 843761

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