GO:0071398 cellular response to fatty acid

4 ath genes in this database.


term: cellular response to fatty acid
goid: GO:0071398

Shaded genes do not have GeneChip data. The output was limited up to 100 for each of species.
Species Symbol Supportability of
expression data
Full name* Entrez Gene ID Evidence*
ath ACO1 ☆☆☆ ACC oxidase 1 816478 IEP
ath AT1G12010 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) and Fe(II)-dependent oxygenase superfamily protein 837753 IEP
ath EFE ethylene-forming enzyme 839345 IEP
ath ACO2 ☆☆ ACC oxidase 2 842536 IEP

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