KEGG 00400 Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis

56  ath genes in this database.

List of genes in ath

Shaded genes do not have coexpression data.
For search Locus* Target* Alias Function*
814980 C, C AT2G04400 Aldolase-type TIM barrel family protein
816730 O, N SK1 shikimate kinase 1
816758 C, C AAT aspartate aminotransferase
817022 O, C TAT3 tyrosine aminotransferase 3
817329 C, C PD1 prephenate dehydratase 1
817519 C, Y ASA2 anthranilate synthase 2
817648 M, M ASP1 aspartate aminotransferase 1
819138 C, C AT2G45300 RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase/enolpyruvate transferase, alpha/beta
819809 C, C MEE32 dehydroquinate dehydratase, putative / shikimate dehydrogenase
819954 C, C ADT2 arogenate dehydratase 2
822573 C, C CM1 chorismate mutase 1
823601 C, Y ADT4 arogenate dehydratase 4
824629 C, C TSA1 tryptophan synthase alpha chain
824753 C, C AT3G55870 ADC synthase superfamily protein
828226 O, C AT4G02610 Aldolase-type TIM barrel family protein
828459 O, K AT4G23590 Tyrosine transaminase family protein
828815 C, C TSB2 tryptophan synthase beta-subunit 2
828958 O, K AT4G28410 Tyrosine transaminase family protein
828959 O, Y AT4G28420 Tyrosine transaminase family protein
829330 C, C ASP5 aspartate aminotransferase 5
829489 C, C DHS2 3-deoxy-d-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase
830108 O, N SK2 shikimate kinase 2
830159 C, C DHS1 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase 1
830442 C, C PAI2 phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase 2
830457 C, C ASA1 anthranilate synthase alpha subunit 1
830897 C, C HPA1 histidinol phosphate aminotransferase 1
830954 O, C CM2 chorismate mutase 2
831024 C, M ASP3 aspartate aminotransferase 3
831666 C, C TRP1 tryptophan biosynthesis 1
832075 O, Y ASP2 aspartate aminotransferase 2
832326 C, C ADT5 arogenate dehydratase 5
833436 O, C AT5G34930 arogenate dehydrogenase
833613 O, C AT5G36160 Tyrosine transaminase family protein
833841 C, Y TSBtype2 tryptophan synthase beta type 2
834875 O, Y AT5G48220 Aldolase-type TIM barrel family protein
835480 O, Y TAT7 Tyrosine transaminase family protein
835571 C, C TSB1 tryptophan synthase beta-subunit 1
835900 C, C AT5G57890 Glutamine amidotransferase type 1 family protein
836744 C, C AT5G66120 3-dehydroquinate synthase
837292 C, C PAI1 phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase 1
837345 C, C ADT6 arogenate dehydratase 6
837725 M, C ADT1 arogenate dehydratase 1
838140 C, C AT1G15710 prephenate dehydrogenase family protein
838847 C, C AT1G22410 Class-II DAHP synthetase family protein
839085 O, C AT1G24807 Glutamine amidotransferase type 1 family protein
839089 O, C AT1G24909 Glutamine amidotransferase type 1 family protein
839095 O, C AT1G25083 Glutamine amidotransferase type 1 family protein
839099 O, C AT1G25155 Glutamine amidotransferase type 1 family protein
839103 C, C ASB1 anthranilate synthase beta subunit 1
839817 C, C PAI3 phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase 3
841307 C, C EMB1144 chorismate synthase, putative / 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate phospholyase
841308 C, C AT1G48860 RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase/enolpyruvate transferase, alpha/beta
842579 O, Y ASP4 aspartate aminotransferase 4
843269 C, C CM3 chorismate mutase 3
2746023 M, M AT5G28237 Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-dependent enzyme family protein

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